欧州連合は、現在ビザなしで欧州シェンゲン圏内に入国できる国の個人の渡航認証方法として、電子渡航情報および認証システム( ETIAS ) を構築しています。
ETIAS の渡航許可は、国境検査を迅速化し、フリーローミング政策に伴う安全と健康上の危険を防ぐことを目的としています。
しかし、近年の発生件数の増加を考慮して、欧州連合によるテロ関連の危険性の評価を支援するために、統合された EU 情報機関の一部として ETIAS が利用される可能性があることが明記されています。
Many European politicians are concerned about security threats and the recent terrorist incidents, which has led to the proposal of the joint EU Intelligence Agency and the idea of pooling current European-wide capabilities.
The tool would scan many databases at simultaneously, enabling various European authorities to instantly obtain biometric and identifying information of citizens and travellers.
The objective would be to ensure stronger levels of security and prevent any future terrorist activities on European soil from external protagonists by using the information provided for ETIAS in addition to other intelligence systems.
The ETIAS visa waiver scheme will allow those citizens from countries who do not require a visa to travel to Europe to apply quickly and easily online for a travel authorization to visit any of the Schengen area countries.
Applying for an ETIAS permit will be easy, take about 10 minutes, and allow EU authorities to check applicants who want to travel to the Schengen region of Europe. これにより、EUの出入り口におけるセキュリティの向上と国境管理の迅速化を図ることができます。
As of this writing, the ETIAS only intends to collect personal data such as name, date of birth, residence, and information about travel documents, as well as to elicit some fundamental security queries based on past travel and health.
Since the EU does not currently intend to employ biometric information from fingerprints or eye scans in the ETIAS application process, ETIAS would only be used to provide travel-related information if the plans for a common intelligence agency were to move forward.