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Capital City: Paris
Official language: French
Currency: Euro
Population: 65 million
EU member state since: 1st January 1958

France is bordered by 8 nations, 6 of which are part of the Schengen Area, plus 2 microstates.

Thanks to the lack of internal borders, it is possible to visit all states in the Schengen Area from France without being subject to border control checks.

Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain can all be accessed with a valid ETIAS visa waiver, as well as Andorra and Monaco. These countries can be accessed by train, car, bus, and plane.

Direct flights to other nations such as Germany and the Netherlands make France an excellent base for further European travel.

Passport holders from visa-waiver countries can take advantage of the ETIAS visa waiver for Europe. The European Travel Information and Authorisation System is to be introduced in late 2023 and will become mandatory for citizens of eligible nations.

ETIAS is not a visa and is much easier to obtain, the application process is fully online and requires only a valid passport, email address, and credit or debit card.

Foreigners who are unable to benefit from the ETIAS visa waiver scheme will likely need a visa for France. Depending on the reason for travel, different visas are available.

To obtain a visa, it is necessary to present supporting documentation such as evidence of funds and medical insurance.

Passport holders from visa-exempt countries will soon need to register with ETIAS before going to France for tourism, business, or transit purposes.

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System is being introduced to complement Europe’s visa liberalisation policy. Eligible passport holders will continue to enjoy visa-free access to France but will need an approved ETIAS to be granted access.

Foreigners with a passport from one of the ETIAS eligible nations can apply. The passport must be valid for at least 3 months from the date of departure from the Schengen Area.

On approval, the ETIAS visa waiver is linked to the passport electronically and can be used to enter France and travel throughout the Schengen Area.

Overseas visitors from places not included in Europe’s visa liberalisation programme need to apply for a Schengen visa for France.

Due to Brexit, the UK is no longer in the European Union. As Britain is also not a Schengen country, UK citizens will also need to register with ETIAS to visit France.

UK passport holders will still be able to enjoy visa-free travel in France, but they will need to obtain the ETIAS travel authorisation to have permission to enter.

British travellers will not be able to travel to France without a valid ETIAS once it becomes mandatory.